상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

from Dennis

Foreign Friends

by liaison 2004. 12. 27. 17:15


보낸 사람    ;''>Dennis Cheung <dennis_cheung98@yahoo.com> [수신거부]  [주소록에 추가
받는 사람   ;''>happystan@empal.com [주소록에 추가
받은 날짜   2004년 12월 25일 18시 45분
첨부 파일 
winmail.dat 2K
제 목    Merry Christmas
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript> function open_window99(url) { email = window.open(url,'kpp99','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=0,width=790,height=587,top=50,left=50')}; function open_window99_Net(url) { email = window.open(url,'kpp99','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=0,width=790,height=587,top=50,left=50')}; </SCRIPT> Dear Sang,

Thank you for the card and your kind words. The 'pity' is also mine. My
words also do not express sufficiently. Thank you for our friendship.

Yes, the world of man to man is different from the world of man to woman.
Your words are rare these days, that is, 'I can erase a lot of memories with
girls, but with you and Mas? It is very a different level.' This reminds me
of King David and his best friend Jonathan ... (2 Samuel 1:26) 'I grieve for
you, Jonathan my brother; you were very dear to me. Your love for me was
wonderful, more wonderful than that of women.' They were best friends,
kindred spirits, sharing the same heart serving their Lord.

I wish you a very Merry Christmas Sang! I will take care and am hoping the
same for you. I've been exercising and eating better (Whoppers remember in
Santa Barbara?). When you get a chance, read the book of John in the New
Testament. I remember you used to have a Bible on your desk at our
apartment. Are you still reading it?

best with warmest regards from your friend,


'Foreign Friends' 카테고리의 다른 글

For my foreign friends and visitors.  (12) 2005.11.12
The art institute of my friend Mr. Nishihara  (6) 2005.10.21
나의 친구 Mas and Yuko  (10) 2004.12.21
Roommate Dennis  (2) 2004.12.11
From Dennis.  (0) 2004.06.21

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